Swimming 101
Swim Meets
Bathing Suits
Swim Caps
Flippers, Kick Boards and Hand Paddles
CHAPERONES (Volunteers needed: 2-3)
Duties include getting the children, especially the younger swimmers, ready for their event. Children are lined up in the cafeteria during home meets and then escorted to the pool deck before their scheduled event. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BABY-SITTING JOB!!
OFFICIALS (Officials needed: 2-3)
Duties include officiating (meet setup, starter, stroke and turn judge) at both the home and away meets. You are required to be on deck for either half of or the entire meet, depending on the number of volunteers. Officials are required to participate in classes so that they may be trained and certified in accordance with league qualifications. NOTE: Must attend training on Sunday, November 7th.
SET-UP, CLEAN-UP and MAINTENANCE (Volunteers needed: 4-5)
Volunteers assist before and after the home meets to assist in the set-up or break down of equipment and furniture. Task may include getting ice, carrying sodas, moving tables, etc. Volunteers are also needed for special events, such as the winter banquet, etc.
SNACK BAR (Volunteers needed: 5-6)
Duties include operating the snack bar in the cafeteria during home meets and asking team parents to make food and/or monetary donations to stock the snack bar. Any donation is welcome. Donation sign-up sheets will be posted prior to the home meets.
TIMERS (Volunteers needed: 12-16 per meet)
Prior to the meet, the committee chair must recruit parents to be on deck for either the 1st half (event 1-32) or 2nd half (event 33 through end of meet) of the meet. There are 64 events in a dual meet. Each timer will be responsible for recording the name and time for the swimmer in your assigned lane. You will receive instructions on how to properly operate a stopwatch. Timers will be required to attend a brief, instructional meeting prior to the start of every meet. We do need timers for both home and away meets, as well as for Invitationals, Championships and All-Stars.
Duties include getting the children, especially the younger swimmers, ready for their event. Children are lined up in the cafeteria during home meets and then escorted to the pool deck before their scheduled event. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BABY-SITTING JOB!!
OFFICIALS (Officials needed: 2-3)
Duties include officiating (meet setup, starter, stroke and turn judge) at both the home and away meets. You are required to be on deck for either half of or the entire meet, depending on the number of volunteers. Officials are required to participate in classes so that they may be trained and certified in accordance with league qualifications. NOTE: Must attend training on Sunday, November 7th.
SET-UP, CLEAN-UP and MAINTENANCE (Volunteers needed: 4-5)
Volunteers assist before and after the home meets to assist in the set-up or break down of equipment and furniture. Task may include getting ice, carrying sodas, moving tables, etc. Volunteers are also needed for special events, such as the winter banquet, etc.
SNACK BAR (Volunteers needed: 5-6)
Duties include operating the snack bar in the cafeteria during home meets and asking team parents to make food and/or monetary donations to stock the snack bar. Any donation is welcome. Donation sign-up sheets will be posted prior to the home meets.
TIMERS (Volunteers needed: 12-16 per meet)
Prior to the meet, the committee chair must recruit parents to be on deck for either the 1st half (event 1-32) or 2nd half (event 33 through end of meet) of the meet. There are 64 events in a dual meet. Each timer will be responsible for recording the name and time for the swimmer in your assigned lane. You will receive instructions on how to properly operate a stopwatch. Timers will be required to attend a brief, instructional meeting prior to the start of every meet. We do need timers for both home and away meets, as well as for Invitationals, Championships and All-Stars.
This Handbook was developed to provide Parents and Swimmers with information on how the Club operates, along with accumulating all TAC policies and procedures. All board and committee member information is available on the website www.trojanaquaticclub.org
This handbook is a guideline of general policies and procedures that the Club has historically followed. This handbook is intended to be used as a guide only and for informational purposes. Should a situation arise that violates a policy or procedure within this handbook, a Club member (parent, swimmer, coach, or board member) may request board review of the situation. All action will be based on BOD review and investigation. TAC meetings are open to the public.
Table of Contents
This Handbook was developed to provide Parents and Swimmers with information on how the Club operates, along with accumulating all TAC policies and procedures. All board and committee member information is available on the website www.trojanaquaticclub.org
This handbook is a guideline of general policies and procedures that the Club has historically followed. This handbook is intended to be used as a guide only and for informational purposes. Should a situation arise that violates a policy or procedure within this handbook, a Club member (parent, swimmer, coach, or board member) may request board review of the situation. All action will be based on BOD review and investigation. TAC meetings are open to the public.
Table of Contents
- Registration
- Registration
- Refund Policy
- Team Information
- Philosophy
- Swim Terminology
- Equipment Needed
- Swim Meets
- Parents Organization
- Communication
- TAC Board Member Responsibilities/Expectations
- General
- Meetings
- Conflicts of Interest
- Fiduciary Responsibility
- Program Evaluation
- Fund Raising
- Conflict of Interest
- Code of Ethics
- Personal and Professional Integrity
- Legal Compliance
- Openness and Disclosure
- Fundraising
- Alcohol and Drug Use
- Anti-Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- Child Abuse Prevention Policy
- Anti-Violence
- Code of Conduct
- Communicating with the Board
- Electronic Communication
- Meetings
- Immediate Attention
- Incident and Disciplinary Policy
- Discipline and Procedures
- Offenses Defined
- Violations
- Non-Compliance
- Whistleblower and Non-Retaliation Policy
- TAC Forms
- Acceptance of Participation Standards
- Photography Consent and Release
- Grievance
- Conflict of Interest
- Employment Application
- Registration
- Volunteer
The timing of the seasons will be announced via the TAC website and Facebook page. Typically the winter season begins October and runs through January. The Summer season typically begins in May and runs through July.
- Registration
Generally, team are held in person. Specific registration dates will be updated annually and noted on the registration flyer and TAC website.
You will need the following at the time of registration:
- Completed Registration Form
- Copy of your child’s Health Insurance Card (medical insurance coverage is required for the Swimmer for the period from the completion of registration thru the end of the season).
- Registration fee. Checks may be made payable to the Trojan Aquatic Club.
The following is a list of Parental Consent/Waiver forms that will be required during the registration process and no later than at the first practice:
- TAC Code of Conduct
- Photography Consent and Release Form
- Refund Policy
Any cancellation requests received within 2 weeks of registration will receive a refund of the paid registration amount less a $25 cancellation fee. Refund or cancellation requests received in excess of 2 weeks after registration will be reviewed and determined by the TAC board and are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Due to the costs associated with operating the season, TAC is not able to offer any refunds requested after the 4th week of practice.
- Team Information
It is the goal of the TAC program is to achieve several goals: to promote both the mental and physical growth in every swimmer and to foster lasting friendships among teammates. It is the swimmer's responsibility to learn to budget time, set goals, and to.do the best with the ability they have.
Winning is the desire to improve, not necessarily the place they finish in a race. TAC strives to make the swimming experience both fun and rewarding, so that the sport will be a part of their future as student athletes.
As a member of TAC, you will be instructed in the four competitive swimming strokes: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle. Learning to master new strokes is a significant accomplishment in itself and this will enable you to become a more diverse swimmer.
It is the parent's responsibility to get your swimmer to practice and to meets on time. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to work with the parent's organization, and to encourage and support not only your own swimmer, but all of the swimmers on the team. Cheering for all TAC swimmers is the best trophy you can give the team!!
Parents need to come into the building at least once a week to check the mail folders and the message board.
If there are any questions regarding the organization, please direct all phone calls to one of the officers on the executive board. The executive board will do their best to answer your questions and/or obtain answers for you within a timely manner.
It is the coach's job to coach. In the course of executing their responsibilities, the members of the coaching staff will also: be solely responsible for ensuring that swimmers receive appropriate instruction in competitive techniques, provide discipline and supervision during practice, place the swimmers into practice groups, determine team line-up for competition and inform each swimmer of the events they will be swimming prior to the start of each meet, supervise and conduct warm-ups before each meet, and provide a forum for communication with parents. The coach will also discuss the race with the swimmer and provide constructive comments for furthering the swimmer's progress. The coach will accept phone calls or emails to discuss any questions regarding your child's swimming.
When you first start swimming it may sound like everyone is speaking a foreign language. This is normal; even seasoned swimmers must get used to new terminology on occasion. We advise you to review the terms noted below so that you are familiar with the way the club communicates. However, do not hesitate to ask questions and have these terms explained again if you do not understand. This is only a partial list of terms used in swimming.
25 yards/meters is equivalent to one lap of the pool. A meter pool will be longer than a yard pool and a swimmers time may reflect this change.
50 yards - 2 laps
100 yards - 4 laps
200 yards - 8 laps
500 yards - 20 laps
BILATERAL BREATHING: Breathing to the right side then taking three freestyle strokes and breathing to the left side, etc.
STARTING BLOCK (BL0CK): The starting platform.
DISQUALIFIED (DQ): This is a ruling by a meet official that occurs when a swimmer has committed an infraction of some kind while swimming a stroke. A swimmer that has been disqualified is not eligible to receive a ribbon or medal, and the time cannot be used as an official time. If your child is disqualified during an event, they should see an Official or the coach immediately following your event for an explanation.
DIVE START: Using the starting blocks to dive into the water.
DRILL: An exercise involving a portion or part of a stroke, used to improve technique.
EXHIBITION: An event in a dual meet in which the swimmers do not earn points for their team's score. Exhibition events are conducted to give swimmers experience in competition.
FALSE START: A situation when a swimmer leaves the block before the starting horn or beep. The false start is usually signaled by an audio signal or gunshot.
FLAGS: Backstroke flags are placed 5 yards/meters from the ends of the pool. Flags enable backstrokers to execute a turn more efficiently by counting their strokes to the wall.
FLIP TURN: Competitive racing turn where a swimmer does a somersault underwater and uses their feet to push off the wall.
HEAT: A division of an event when there are too many swimmers to compete at the same time and not enough lanes in the pool to accommodate them at one time.
INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY (IM): a competitive event consisting of the four main strokes in the following order: Fly (butterfly), Back (backstroke), Breast (breaststroke) and Free (freestyle).
KICKING: Using only the legs for propulsion. Sometimes drills are done with the use of a kickboard.
NT: No time. The abbreviation used in a program to designate that the swimmer does not have an official time for that event.
LANE LINES: Continuous floating markers on a rope that stretches from one end of the pool from another.
OFFICIAL: A judge on the deck of the pool who is there to enforce rules. There are stroke and turn judges, administrative officials, starters, timers and referees.
OPEN TURN: Turn at the wall where the swimmer touches with one hand (for Back and Free) and pushes off the wall with their -set. An open turn for Breaststroke and Butterfly requires a two-handed touch.
PULLING: Using little or no kick to focus on the upper body.
PUSH START: Starting a race from in the water pushing off the wall.
RELAY: An event in which four swimmers compete together as a team to achieve one time.
SCRATCH: To withdraw from an event in a competition, perhaps due to an illness.
SEED TIME: The time a swimmer uses to enter a meet. This time will determine lane position in a particular meet.
STARTER: The official at the meet responsible for starting each heat and calling the next heat to the blocks.
TOUCH PAD: A large board at the end of each lane where a swimmer's touch is registered and sent electronically to the timing system.
WARM-UP: This is the beginning part of a practice or a workout done in the water to loosen a swimmer up before a race.
Swimmers are expected to provide all their own equipment. This includes, but may not be limited to, bathing suits, goggles, swim caps, flippers, kick boards, and hand paddles. It is strongly suggested that swimmers have an appropriate swim bag to carry all their gear.
Girls wear a one piece, racing style suit that is typically made from a lycra material. Boys may wear either 'jammers' (bicycle length suit) or a 'brief' style suit. You are not required to have a team suit, but they will be available for purchase prior to the beginning of each season. For general use, high performance “tech” suits are not required or recommended.
Girls Speedo Superback size 22-40 $ 40.00 each
Boys Speedo Jammers size 22-40 $ 25.50 each
Boys Speedo Briefs size 22-40 $ 21.00 each
(these prices are subject to change and offered for example only)
Goggles are not required equipment but are highly recommended. Goggles not only help you see better underwater, but they also protect the eyes from the chlorinated water. If you wear contact lenses, you may wear your contacts under the goggles to aid your vision. A good pair of goggles will have a tight fit and should last a long time if properly taken care of.
Swim caps are generally worn to keep your hair in place, but it also helps to keep the filtration system free of accumulated hair. It is recommended that the swimmer wear a cap if their hair is shoulder length or longer. Caps can be worn by either boys or girls. You may purchase an orange and black TAC swim cap at any home meet. Adding a little baby powder inside of the cap after use will help keep it from sticking together and prolong its life.
These are all devices used for in pool training and workouts. They are used to help develop the swimmers stroke techniques as well as conditioning. Although they may not be used at every practice, they should be brought by the swimmer to every practice in the event that they are to be used.
TAC swimmers receive a 10% discount on swim products at Flying Feet!
DUAL MEETS are held with one other team, for example TAC vs. Dover. Swimmers interested in participating in dual meets are required to sign-up on the sign-up sheet located on the pool deck no later than the Monday prior to the meet. Coaches arrange the events and relays the swimmer will participate in at the meet. Swimmers are informed of their events when they arrive for warm-ups. Most dual meets can last anywhere from 3 to 5 hours. There are 64 events in a dual meet.
Balcony seating is often limited at the YS pool, so it is suggested that you only go up there to watch your child swim in their event(s).
PARENTS must sign the swimmers up for each dual meet no later than the Monday prior to the meet. This deadline has been set because the coaches need to know who is available to swim so they have time to work on a line-up.
If you sign up for a meet and do not show up, you will not be eligible to swim in the next scheduled meet,
in the event of an illness on meet day, please call the head coach as soon as possible. The coach time to fill empty lanes and avoid scratching relays. The contact information is on the website.
An INVITATIONAL MEET is a meet hosted by an individual team and is designed not only to provide competitive opportunities for swimmers but also to raise funds for the team hosting the event. Participants pay a small entrance fee, as well as a small fee for each event entered. Participants may come from many different teams and they can be of all ages and skill levels.
Our program hosts The Fall Festival, and it is designed for the swimmers aged 10 and under.
Programs are available for an Invitational meet so it is nice to have a pen or highlighter handy so you can keep track of which event(s) your child is swimming. Programs are never provided for dual meets.
Coaches will distribute any information pertaining to an Invitational meet. Participation in Invitational meets is optional. You do not need to participate in an Invitational to be eligible to compete in Championships.
Swimmers may choose what events they would like to swim in an Invitational meet. Swimmers must pay a nominal fee per event and they also have the option to purchase t-shirts.
The CHAMPIONSHIP meet is held at the end of the winter season. You must swim at least 3 dual meets to be eligible for Championships. Swimmers may choose to swim in 2 individual events and the relays will be determined by the Coach. There is an entrance fee.
Coaches will distribute any information pertaining to the Championship meet. Participation in Championships is optional, but you must have participated in 3 dual meets to be eligible. Swimmers may choose what events they would like to swim at Championships. Swimmers must pay a nominal fee per vent and they also have the option to purchase t-shirts. Parents are required to pay an entrance fee and you have the option to purchase a program. Participating swimmers get in free.
Swimmers qualify for ALL-STARS at the Championship meet. If you qualify for ALL-STARS, you will be notified by the Coach as to what event(s) you will be swimming.
- Swimmers must be at ALL meets 15 minutes prior to warm-ups so that the coaches can take attendance. Meet times will be posted on the Website.
- Warm-up times are tentative...coaches will confirm warm-up times at practice prior to a meet.
- When you arrive, please look for the meet line-up to see what events you are swimming that day. The line-up will be posted on a sheet of paper located in the designated TAC seating areas.
- Swimmers MUST stay in their designated areas so they can be found by the chaperones prior to swimming an event. If you need to leave the designated area, please let a chaperone know where you are going. Swimmers are expected to line up at least 5 - 8 events prior to the event that they are swimming.
- Swimmers are not allowed to sit in the balcony or in the stands.
- Swimmers should eat carbohydrates, cereals or vegetables if they are hungry during a meet, avoid candy or junk.
- All swimmers are required to stay until the end of a dual meet, and they must keep their bathing suits on.
- Please label all your belongings!!
- Swimmers are NOT allowed to wear any jewelry when competing or they will be subject to disqualification!
- Swimmers should remain in the pool until all swimmers have finished the race. Swimmers should offer congratulations or some other positive comment to competitors.
- extra swimsuit, cap or goggles
- 2 towels
- flip flops for the shower or to wear between events.
- sweat suit, pajama pants or some type of warm, dry clothing to wear between events or to wear home.
- water bottle or sport drink
- money for the snack bar
- restful activity or book
- soap and shampoo, ear, eye and/or nose drops, and baby powder for swim caps
- a dry change of clothes and a bag for any wet items
- Swimmers should bring something to keep themselves occupied between events. Electronics are permitted however Wi-Fi is typically not available nor is charging opportunities. Keep in mind that there is no way to secure items during practices or meets. TAC takes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
- old sleeping bag or blanket for the cafeteria floor.
- Folding chair (for seating in the gym or cafeteria)
- Money for snack bar
- Electronic device (including a portable battery, charging opportunities are rare), newspaper, magazine, or book (as Wi-Fi is not typically available)
- Beverage in an anti-spill container
- Pen or highlighter for programs (not needed for dual meets)
- Camcorder or camera
- No cameras with a flash may be used during the start of a race but may be used after the start.
- No parents or spectators may be behind the starting blocks or on the pool deck unless you are helping at the meet.
A phone chain has been implemented to notify parents/swimmers if a meet has been cancelled due to inclement weather. Each person will be notified by phone the morning of the scheduled meet. Please make sure you provide us with an accurate phone number. This phone number will only be used for the purpose of notifying you in case of a cancellation.
Parent volunteers facilitate meet operations which allows the coaches to concentrate on the swimmers. We encourage everyone to volunteer in some capacity during the season. All work is shared among volunteers and in most cases, volunteering only requires a maximum of a few hours per week of your time. It is a great way to learn about the sport and meet other TAC parents. Please note that we encourage you to leave your post to see your child swim!!
Many parent volunteers are needed to run a swim meet. During a regular dual meet, we need significant parent support through various committees. Please contact one of the committee chairpersons listed on the website to help support the team. Our standing committees include:
- ANNOUNCER (Volunteers needed: 1)
- CHAPERONES (Volunteers needed: 2-3)
- FALL FESTIVAL (Volunteers needed: 6-8)
- OFFICIALS (Officials needed: 2-3)
- RIBBONS (Volunteers needed: 2-3)
- SET-UP, CLEAN-UP, and MAINTENANCE (Volunteers needed: 4-5)
- SNACK BAR (Volunteers needed: 5-6)
- SPECIAL EVENTS (Volunteers needed: 2-3)
- SPIRIT COMMITTEE (Volunteers needed: 1-2)
- TIMERS (Volunteers needed: 12-16 per meet)
ANNOUNCER (Volunteers needed: 1)
Duties include sitting at the scorer's table which is located on the pool deck and announcing the names of the swimmers that are in the next race. You are only responsible for announcing at swim meets held at the Y.S. pool and during the Fall Festival.
CHAPERONES (Volunteers needed: 2-3)
Duties include getting the children, especially the younger swimmers, ready for their event. Children are lined up in the cafeteria during home meets and then escorted to the pool deck before their scheduled event. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BABY-SITTING JOB!!
Duties include running the computer during all home meets and the Fall Festival. Maintain swimmers’ times and records.
FALL FESTIVAL (Volunteers needed: 6-8)
The Fall Festival is always held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Swimmers under the age of 10 years are the only swimmers eligible to participate in the meet. They will compete against other 10 and under swimmers from across York County. This is a great chance for young swimmers to see what a meet is like. Participation is not based on skill level. Although this Invitational is hosted by TAC, our swimmers are still required to pay a nominal fee per event. The Fall Festival is our largest source of income.
OFFICIALS (Officials needed: 2-3)
Duties include officiating (meet setup, starter, stroke and turn judge) at both the home and away meets. You are required to be on deck for either half of or the entire meet, depending on the number of volunteers. Officials are required to participate in classes so that they may be trained and certified in accordance with league qualifications.
RIBBONS (Volunteers needed: 2-3)
Duties include obtaining the labels containing the meet result information from the scoring table and then placing those labels on the back of the appropriate ribbons (1st, 2nd, 3rd, place participant ribbons, etc....) At the end of the meet, the ribbons for the opposing team are put in a bag and given to the coaches of said team. Ribbons acquired by our team are put in the individual mail folders so they can be distributed to swimmers at practice on Monday after the meet. During the home meets, ribbon volunteers sit at a table located in the hallway outside of the pool office. Usually, you only need to be available for ribbon duty during home meets, but as a courtesy, the committee chair should ask the other team if they need assistance doing ribbon detail when attending an away meet.
SET-UP, CLEAN-UP and MAINTENANCE (Volunteers needed: 4-5)
Volunteers assist before and after the home meets to assist in the set-up or break down of equipment and furniture. Task may include getting ice, carrying sodas, moving tables, etc. Volunteers are also needed for special events, such as the winter banquet, etc.
SNACK BAR (Volunteers needed: 5-6)
Duties include operating the snack bar in the cafeteria during home meets and asking team parents to make food and/or monetary donations to stock the snack bar. Any donation is welcome. Donation sign-up sheets will be posted prior to the home meets.
SPECIAL EVENTS (Volunteers needed: 2-3)
Duties include organizing the pizza party/team picture night festivities held in January, as well as coordinating end of the season banquets. Responsibilities include purchasing food and/or coordinating donations, setting up party decorations etc. Committee chair may also be responsible for organizing additional special events (tubing party at Heritage Hills, bowling party etc.)
SPIRIT COMMITTEE (Volunteers needed: 1-2)
Duties include organizing and ordering team "spirit wear" for both the winter and summer season as well as for the Fall Festival. The spirit committee will also encourage a positive atmosphere for swimmers and promote team unity.
TIMERS (Volunteers needed: 12-16 per meet)
Prior to the meet, the committee chair must recruit parents to be on deck for either the 1st half (event 1-32) or 2nd half (event 33 through end of meet) of the meet. There are 64 events in a dual meet. Each timer will be responsible for recording the name and time for the swimmer in your assigned lane. You will receive instructions on how to properly operate a stopwatch. Timers will be required to attend a brief, instructional meeting prior to the start of every meet. We do need timers for both home and away meets, as well as for Invitationals, Championships and All-Stars.
Committee chair must also assign two (2) individuals to be the 'finish judge at both home and away meets. Finish judges will be required to be on deck for the entire meet.
Please try to come into the building at least once a week (perhaps when you drop your swimmers off for practice) and check the mail folders and message board for important information and announcements! We will do our best to get any information out to you in a timely manner, so please do your part and retrieve it!
Each swimmer is assigned a mail folder. Significant correspondence will be done through the mail folder! It is the responsibility of the parent to check the mail folder for flyers, announcements, and other important information. Parents are encouraged to check mail folders at least once a week.
Any information that is distributed through the mail folder must first have the approval of the coaches.
If you have an e-mail address, please provide us with that information. We will use this method of communication as a follow up to information distributed through the mail folders. Some committee chairs may also use e-mail to contact volunteers. E-mail addresses will not be given out or used for any other purpose than those mentioned above.
During the TAC season, a message board will be in the hallway outside of the pool office (next to the girl's locker room). All information that is distributed through the mail folder will also be posted on the message board.
Some other information that will be posted on the message board may include signup sheets for snack bar donations, Fall Festival volunteers, timer schedules, etc.
The TAC team Facebook Page is “York Suburban Trojan Aquatic Club”. You can view the meet updates, latest news, meet photos, and other important information here. All announcements that are through the mail folder will also be posted on the Facebook Page.
Some other information that will be posted on the Facebook Page may include signup sheets for snack bar donations, Fall Festival volunteers, timer schedules, etc.
The TAC team website is www.trojanaquaticclub.org. All information will be posted on the website as it becomes available. You can view the meet schedule, meet results, latest news, meet photos, links to other websites and other important information here. All information that is sent via email, posted on the message board, or placed in the mail folders will also be available on the website.
Approximately 10 percent of all athletes involved in contact sports, such as football, hockey, soccer, and lacrosse suffer a brain injury or concussion each season. Although uncommon in swimming concussions can occur. The majority of these athletes will recover quickly, however some may experience physical, cognitive and neurobehavioral difficulties related to the injury.
Often times, it is difficult to determine when it is safe for an athlete to return to play. In the past, returning-to-play decisions were made based on observation and athlete report of symptoms. However, it is now possible to determine return to play based on scientific guidelines using a neuropsychological assessment tool called ImPACTTM, in addition to neurological evaluation as necessary.
ImPACTTM evaluates an athlete’s pre-concussive and post-concussive performance. This web-based program is available to schools throughout the community. WellSpan Health is a credentialed ImPACTTM provider.
Concussion Facts
What is a concussion? –A concussion is a mild, traumatic brain injury that:
Is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head.
Can change the way your brain normally works.
Can occur during practices or games – in any sport.
Can happen even if you haven’t been knocked out.
Can be serious even if you’ve just been “dinged” or had your “bell rung”.
Can range from mild to severe.
How can I prevent a concussion? – It’s different for every sport, but there are steps that can be taken to protect yourself from concussions:
Follow your coach’s rules for safety and the rules of the sport.
Practice good sportsmanship at all times.
How do I know if I’ve had a concussion?
You can’t see a concussion, but you might notice some of the symptoms right away. Other symptoms can show up days or weeks after the injury. It’s best to see a health professional if you think you might have a concussion. An undiagnosed concussion can affect your ability to do schoolwork and the other everyday activities. It also raises your risk for additional, serious injury.
What are the symptoms of a concussion? – Symptoms may be present immediately or may be delayed:
Nausea (feeling that you might vomit)
Balance problems or dizziness
Double or fuzzy vision
Sensitivity to light or noise
Feeling sluggish
Feeling foggy or groggy
Concentration or memory problems
What should I do if I think I have a concussion?
Tell your coaches and your parents. Never ignore a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. Also, tell your coach if one of your teammates might have a concussion.
Get a medical check-up. A health care professional can tell you if you have had a concussion and when you are OK to return to play.
Give yourself time to recover. If you have had a concussion, your brain needs time to heal. While your brain is still healing, you are much more likely to have a second concussion. Second or later concussions can cause permanent brain damage, and even death in rare cases. Severe brain injury can change your whole life.
- TAC Board Member Responsibilities/Expectations
- General
These expectations apply to all board members positions in general:
- Know the organization’s mission, strategic goals, major policy initiatives, strengths and needs.
- Perform duties of board membership responsibly and meet the level of expectations set by the board.
- Suggest possible nominees to the board who are women and men of achievement and distinction who can make significant contributions.
- Serve in leadership positions and undertake special assignments as needed.
- Avoid prejudiced judgments based on information received from individuals within or outside the organization. Speak directly to the coaches about any grievances that need to be clarified or attended to.
- Bring good will and a sense of humor to the board’s deliberations.
- Exercise diligence, loyalty to the interests of the organization, and obedience in accordance with the mission and bylaws.
- Be familiar and willingly comply with the TAC Handbook and Bylaws and policies including but not limited to the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, Conflict of interest policy and Grievance policy.
- Perform his or her duties to the best of his/her abilities and act in the best interest of the club and its’ members.
- Treat all board members, parents, and swimmers with fairness, respect, and professionalism always.
- Adhere to and respect decisions made by the board of directors (act as one part of the whole and not autonomously).
- Ability to make decisions with moral courage in the interest of all the swimmers even if the actions are unpopular with others.
- Pledge to ensure the safety of all children in our program and take all steps needed to ensure safety.
- Governance
The TAC has a board of directors is responsible for setting the mission and strategic direction of the organization and for oversight of the finances, operations, and policies of TAC. The board ensure that its members have the requisite skills and experience to carry out their duties, that all members understand have specified terms of service. The board further ensures that TAC conducts all transactions and dealings with integrity and honesty and that TAC has the capacity to carry out its programs effectively.
- Meetings
- Prepare for and participate in board and committee meetings, including appropriate organizational activities.
- Participate in at least one standing committee of the board.
- Ask timely and substantive questions at meetings consistent with your conscience, convictions, and experience. Publicly support the majority decisions of the board even when you disagree once a decision has been made.
- Maintain confidentiality of the board’s executive sessions.
- Suggest agenda items for board and committee meetings to ensure that significant matters of importance to you as a board member and the organization come before the board for discussion and review.
- Conflicts of Interest
- Serve the organization as a whole rather than any special interest group or constituency.
- Avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest that might embarrass the board or the organization and disclose any possible conflicts to the board in a timely manner.
- Maintain independence and objectivity in dealing with all organizational matters.
- Never accept (or offer) favors or gifts to anyone who does business with the organization.
- Fiduciary Responsibility
- Board members are expected to faithfully read and understand the organization’s financial statements and help the board fulfill its fiduciary responsibility.
- TAC manages its funds responsibly and prudently. TAC spends a reasonable percentage of its annual budget on programs in pursuance of its mission and ensures that all financial reports are factually accurate and complete in all material respects.
- Program Evaluation
TAC shall regularly review the program’s effectiveness and have mechanisms to incorporate lessons learned into future programs. TAC is committed to improving programs and organizational effectiveness and developing mechanisms to promote learning from its activities. TAC is responsive to changes in its field of activity and is responsive to the needs of its constituencies.
- Fund Raising
Assist the development committee to implement fund raising strategies to raise funds.
- Staffing
The Board shall have the ultimate responsibility for the selection of any and all staff and the terms of their employment. All staff shall be considered part time and at will employees of the organization. Those serving in staff positions may not serve on the board. They are however encouraged to attend and participate in board meetings and discussions. Staff shall be required to undergo background checks and have all required clearances and certifications.
- TAC Conflict of Interest Policy
This conflict of interest policy is designed to help directors, officers, and volunteers of the TAC identify situations that present potential conflicts of interest. In the event there is an inconsistency between the requirements and procedures prescribed herein and those in federal or state law the law shall control.
- Definition
A conflict of interest arises when a person in a position within TAC, an officer, director or manager, can benefit financially from a decision he or she could make in such capacity, including indirect benefits such as to family members or businesses with which the person is closely associated.
- Procedures
Before Board or committee action on an agreement or transaction involving a conflict of interest, a director or committee member having conflict of interest and who is in attendance at the meeting shall disclose all facts material to the conflict of interest.
Such disclosure shall be reflected in the minutes of the meeting.
A person who has a conflict of interest shall not participate in or be permitted to hear the Board’s or committee’s discussion of the matter except to disclose material facts and to respond to questions. Such person shall not attempt to exert his or her personal influence with respect to the matter, either at or outside of the meeting. A person who has a conflict of interest with respect to an agreement or transaction that will be voted on at a meeting shall not be counted in determining the presence of a quorum for purposes of the vote. The person having a conflict of interest may not vote on the agreement or transaction and shall not be present in the meeting room when the vote is taken. Such person’s ineligibility to vote shall be reflected in the minutes of the meeting.
In the event it is not entirely clear that a conflict of interest exists, the individual with the potential conflict shall disclose the circumstances to the GM of the Board or the GM’s designee, who shall determine whether a conflict of interest exists that is subject to this policy.
- Confidentiality
Board member and volunteers shall exercise care not to disclose confidential information acquired in connection with such status or information the disclosure of which might be averse to the interests of TAC. Furthermore, a responsible person shall not disclose or use information relating to the business of TAC for the personal profit or advantage of the responsible person or a family member or the responsible person’s company.
- Review of Policy
Each Board member and volunteer shall be required to review a copy of this policy annually and to acknowledge in writing that he or she has done so.
Each board member shall annually complete a disclosure form identifying any relationships, positions, or circumstances in which he/she is involved that he or she believes could contribute to conflict of interest arising. Such relationships, positions, or circumstances might include service as a director of or consultant to a not-for-profit organization, or ownership of a business that might provide goods or services to TAC. The Board member should also disclose to the board of directors any potential conflict of interest that may arise during the course of the year between the submissions of annual disclosure forms. Any such information regarding business interests shall be treated as confidential and shall generally be made available only to the board president, and any committee appointed to address conflicts of interest except to the extent additional disclosure is necessary in connections with the implementation of this policy.
- Code of Ethics
The Trojan Aquatic Club has developed this code of ethics as part of a larger, organization-wide commitment to ethical practices. Our values are supported by policies and procedures that all board members, staff, volunteers, parents, and participants shall follow.
- Personal and Professional Integrity
All board members, staff, volunteers, parents, and participants of TAC shall act with honesty, integrity, and openness whenever they represent the organization. TAC promotes an environment that values respect, fairness, and integrity.
- Legal Compliance
TAC is knowledgeable of and to the best of its ability complies with all US laws, regulations, and applicable international conventions.
- Openness and Disclosure
TAC provides comprehensive and timely information to the public and all stakeholders and is responsive in a timely manner to reasonable requests for information. All information about TAC fully and honestly reflects its policies and procedures.
- Inclusiveness and Diversity
TAC is committed to inclusiveness and diversity in its membership and volunteers.
- Fundraising
When raising funds, TAC is truthful in its solicitation materials. TAC respects the privacy concerns of individual donors, expends funds consistent with donor intent, and discloses important and relevant information to potential donors. In raising funds from the public, TAC respects the rights of donors.
- Alcohol and Drug Use
TAC maintains drug-and alcohol-free club activities and events, in accordance with the Drug-Free club activities and events Act of 1988. The unlawful manufacture, possession, distribution, transfer, purchase, sale, use, or being under the influence of illegal drugs while on organization property, or while attending club-related activities is strictly prohibited and may lead to disciplinary action, including suspension without pay or discharge. Being intoxicated during a club sponsored activity because of excessive consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited.
- Anti-Discrimination
TAC is committed to providing a safe environment that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment. Action, words, jokes, or comments directed to a particular individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. TAC prohibits harassment in the club activities and events based on any of the above-listed characteristics.
Impermissible harassment is defined as verbal, written, or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of any of the above-listed characteristics and that:
- Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
- Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance.
- Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s opportunities.
Harassing conduct may include, but is not limited to epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts, including acts purported to be “jokes” or “pranks” and written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group. Any volunteer who believes conduct that violates this policy is occurring or has occurred is strongly encouraged to report the relevant facts promptly using the TAC Grievance policy. All complaints will be investigated promptly and in as confidential a manner as possible. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against any individual found to have violated this policy. No retaliatory action may be taken against an individual who, in good faith, reports a perceived violation of this policy.
- Sexual Harassment
TAC strictly prohibits sexual harassment in the club activities and events. Examples of sexual harassment include, but not limited to:
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
No one at TAC is at any time to threaten or imply that an individual’s submission to or rejection of sexual advances will in any way influence any decision regarding that individual’s positions, or verbal harassment, and regardless of positions. TAC policy similarly prohibits sexually harassing conduct by anyone be in the form of physical, visual that may create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, whether it be in the form of physical, visual, or verbal harassment, and regardless of whether committed by an individual with supervisory authority or by any other individual. Such conduct includes, but not limited to:
- Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions
- Verbal abuse of a sexual nature
- Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body
- Sexually degrading words used to describe an individual
- Display in the club activities and events of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.
Anyone who believes that a violation of this policy is occurring or has occurred is strongly encouraged to report the relevant facts promptly using the steps outlined in the Grievance policy. All complaints will be investigated promptly and in as confidential a manner as possible. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of positions, will be taken against an individual found to have violated this policy. Anyone who becomes aware of possible sexual or other unlawful harassment should promptly follow steps outlined in the Grievance policy. No retaliatory action may be taken against an individual who, in good faith, reports a perceived violation of this policy.
- Child Abuse Prevention Policy
It is the policy of the Trojan Aquatic Club to ensure a wholesome, safe environment and train staff and volunteers in the recognition and prevention of child abuse. The term child is defined as anyone under the age of eighteen (18) as defined by the Pennsylvania child abuse laws.
Staff Hiring, Training and Supervision
A Minimum of two reference checks is required for all potential staff prior to employment. References should immediate past/present supervisor and/or any employment or volunteer experience working with children. Criminal Record Checks and PA Child Abuse History Clearances are conducted on all employees who have contact with children.
All staff and volunteers working directly with children must participate in a documented orientation program prior to employment or volunteering, which clearly indicates that there is zero tolerance of any type of abuse to a child. This training will include, but not be limited to: the TAC’s policies, procedures, and regulations, recognition of child abuse, and legal responsibilities of employees. Staff and volunteers are required to sign a statement indicating that they were trained in the above, understand the policies, and agree to comply with them.
All employees of TAC are recognized as mandated reporters under Federal guidelines. In the event that there is an accusation of child abuse, TAC will take prompt and immediate action. TAC requires all employees to report known or suspected child abuse to the child protective agency and/or their immediate supervisor as soon as practically possible. In the event that the reported incident(s) involve a volunteer or staff, the Board President may suspend the person from TAC pending the investigation. The parent(s) of the child(ren) involved in the alleged incident will be promptly notified by the Board President or his designees. Whether the incident occurs during TAC time or not it can be cause for termination. Reinstatement of the volunteer or staff will occur only after all allegations have been cleared to the satisfaction of the Board or their designees. All staff and volunteers must be sensitive to the need for confidentiality in the handling of this information.
Staff Relationships with Children
- A Staff member may not be alone with a child in an area where they cannot be observed.
- Staff may not leave a child or group of children unsupervised for any period of time.
- Staff are not permitted in the Locker Facilities unless in the case of an accident or emergency.
- Staff over the age of eighteen may not date program participants under the age of eighteen.
- Staff may not transport children in their private vehicles.
- Staff behavior or discipline techniques shall not shame, abuse, humiliate or frighten children. Corporal punishment or the denial of basic needs as punishment is prohibited. Any type of abuse whether it is emotional, physical, or sexual, will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate dismissal.
- Staff will respond to children with respect and consideration and treat all children equally regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or culture.
- Staff will respect children’s rights to not be touched in ways that make them uncomfortable. Children are not to be touched in areas that would be covered by their underpants. TAC encourages age appropriate touch that helps them feel encouraged and nurtured. TAC prohibits touch that exploits a child or touch that is initiated by an adult for the adult’s gratification.
- Anti-Violence
TAC is committed to providing an atmosphere that is free from acts of violence or threats of violence. In keeping with this commitment, TAC has established a policy that provides "zero tolerance" for actual or threatened violence by or against board members, staff, volunteers, parents, and participants. All threats of (or actual) violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported as soon as possible to the coaches and the board. When reporting a threat of violence, you should be as specific and detailed as possible. TAC will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats of (or actual) violence. The identity of the individual making a report will be protected as much as is practical. Anyone determined to be responsible for threats of (or actual) violence or other conduct that is in violation of these guidelines will be subject corrective action per the Disciplinary Action Policy.
- Code of Conduct
- Communicating with the Board
- Electronic Communications
Parents may submit questions and comments to the TAC board via email or by using the feedback form on the website. The feedback form is automatically directed to the TAC secretary and president. Email should be sent to the TAC board Head Coach, president, and secretary. Comments and questions will be reviewed by the board at regular meetings. All communication with the board must include name, relationship to the club, and contract information (phone and email).
- Meetings
Parent comment is encouraged and welcome at regular board meetings. All communication with the board must include name, relationship to the club, and contract information (phone and email). The following guidelines will permit meetings to move smoothly and allow sufficient time for all comments to be heard:
• At the regular meeting, parent comments/questions will be recorded at the beginning of the meeting.
• All comments and questions will be addressed to the Head Coach, president, or secretary in that order depending on staffing at the meeting
• Board members may choose not to respond to comments or questions from the parents during the meeting unless so recognized by the Head Coach, president, or secretary to do so. In this case board members will respond to these questions and comments at a later date via email or other correspondence.
• When a large number of parents wish to make statements, Head Coach, president, or secretary (in that order depending on position staffing at the meeting) may limit individual presentations to three (3) minutes.
- Immediate Attention
For issues that by their nature require a timely response and/or action by the board use the grievance policy. You may find the grievance policy on the website under the documents and online forms section. For urgent matters please contact the league President directly.
- Incident Reporting and Discipline Policy
Any incidents may be lodged by any person for any violation of the Trojan Aquatic Club Handbook, or for any violation of local, state, or federal law. For a copy of the Handbook, see www.trojanaquaticclub.org.
No incident report will be accepted from any person who is (i) acting in violation TAC policies (ii) has engaged in any threatening, abusive, or harassing conduct, including verbal abuse, (iii) has failed to seek to bring the matter to the attention of the team coach, or appropriate board member after the expiration of the mandatory cooling off period.
A valid incident report must be in writing, explain the nature and circumstances of the incident, and indicate the specific provision of the TAC, or other rules/document that was violated using the form (attached).
A person who files an incident report must identify all witnesses. The person accused will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations and should use the same form to present their view of events. Witnesses may also be asked to complete the form.
A valid incident report must be signed by a parent, coach or swimmer and submitted to the disciplinary chair. If no disciplinary chair has been named, then the incident report is to be submitted to the president and vice president in duplicate.
The President or general manager/head coach will oversee the initial incident review process. If no president or general manager is appointed, then 2 board members will oversee the process. Disciplinary representation or board members overseeing an incident will be appointed by the majority agreement of the executive board. The incident report filed will be reviewed, parties involved will be notified, and an opportunity will be given to the other party to respond to the allegations, contact any witness (es) for input. The board member or member(s) overseeing the incident will ensure the entire TAC Board of Directors is promptly informed, communicate any update on the status of the incident under review to the relevant parties, and report to such parties any resolution or outcome of the investigation as determined in accordance with the provisions of this policy that follows. The expected time to review a grievance is 2-3 weeks, assuming all parties are prompt and forthcoming. In the event of concern for physical safety, a more expedient process will be necessitated, which may include, without limitation, a special meeting of the TAC Board of Directors to address the matter.
The person filing the incident report can request a report on the progress of the investigation after 7 days.
Details of the incident are not to be discussed with anyone other than members of the TAC Board of Directors and the party(ies) directly involved in resolving the incident.
The TAC Board of Directors, acting together, will attempt to resolve the incident amicably, to the mutual satisfaction of all interested/affected parties and in the best interests of the TAC. All evidence in the matter is subject to the review and approval of the TAC Board of Directors. The TAC Board of Directors, in its discretion, may intervene to review and decide any matter. Any interested/affected party may request the matter be reviewed and decided by the TAC Board of Directors.
Upon the request of any interested/affected party or the TAC Board of Directors, or if the matter is not otherwise resolved, the board member leading the investigation will present the findings and their recommendation for resolving the matter to the TAC Board of Directors. The TAC Board of Directors may accept the recommendation of the applicable board member and/or the TAC President or may decide that it is in the best interests of the TAC to resolve the matter in any other manner. Decisions of the TAC Board of Directors are final and will be communicated in writing to the party(ies).
A log will be kept of all incidents and the results of their investigations.
- Discipline and Procedures
- Verbal warning issued by an official, head coach, TAC official, or authorized league representative.
- Written warning.
- Game suspension or immediate ejection from game or another event.
- Suspension from multiple games or other events.
- Game forfeit determined by official, coach or TAC official.
- Season suspension or multiple season suspension issued by a TAC official or authorized league representative.
- Warning or suspension issued by an authorized representative of TAC or any other league organization of which the TAC is a member and whose Code of Conduct governs the TAC.
- Expulsion from the TAC.
All swimmers, parents, coaches, volunteers, and board members are subject to the rules and expectations of the TAC Code of Conduct, bylaws and policies as outlined in the TAC handbook. In a situation where the swimmer, team, coach, parent, or other member is in violation of the code of conduct, the following actions may need to be taken: The TAC reserves the right to institute a three-strike policy:
In the case of a grievance that involves a current board member, the board member must recuse himself/herself from participation on decisions associated with grievance resolution on grounds such as prejudice or personal involvement. If said board member is either the President or the Head Coach, then the Vice President may take his or her place.
- Offenses Defined
Primary Offense includes offenses that include physical harm or present an urgent need for action. The Trojan Aquatic Club Board of Directors reserves the right to determine the nature of each offense on a case-by-case basis.
Examples of a primary offenses:
- Engagement in a physical altercation at any club or league event such as but not limited to punching, hitting etc.
- Harass, bully, or attempt to intimidate another swimmer, coach, official or parent.
- Use of drugs or alcohol.
Secondary Offense includes offenses that do not include physical or verbal harm to another person. The Trojan Aquatic Club Board of Directors reserves the right to determine the nature of each offense on a case-by-case basis.
Examples of a secondary offenses:
- Using foul language at a club or league event (any).
- Failure to demonstrate the concepts of fair play.
- Violations
Any violations will result in a conference with the coach (es) and /or the TAC Board of Directors (based on situation) regarding the violation. If the offense in deemed to be of a secondary nature, then disciplinary action for a first offense may include but not be limited to a verbal or written warning, including a meeting with coach or TAC Board of Directors as situation warrants. If the first offense is deemed to be of a primary nature and requires a stronger action, then consequence may include but not be limited to suspension from all club activities, including but not limited to practice, games, meetings, social events etc. Suspension may be levied for a period of one day up to one week as of the date of the violation occurred or the investigation is concluded and presented to the TAC Board of Directors. If suspended, the offender will not be allowed to participate in any club event such as but not limited to: practices, scrimmages, or games during time period. After such conference has occurred it will be at the TAC Board of Directors discretion to proceed with the discipline policy or document it as a warning. For second or third violation, action may include but not be limited to further suspensions of a longer period than levied on first offense up to for the duration of the season. If the nature of the offense requires a stronger action, then permanent expulsion from all club activities including but not limited to practice, games, meetings, social events etc. may be levied. If suspended or expelled, the offender will not be allowed to participate in any club event such as but not limited to: practices, scrimmages, or games during time period or permanently depending on the consequence levied. The TAC Board of Directors discretion to proceed with the discipline policy as written or determine alternate course of actions and document such.
- Non-Compliance
Refusal to meet and abide by this process will result in automatic dismissal from the TAC. In the event of expulsion from the team, no financial refunds of any kind will be made.
- Whistleblower and Non-Retaliation Policy
TAC’s Code of Ethics requires directors, officers, volunteers, and others to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As volunteers and representatives of TAC, we must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable law and regulations.
- Reporting Responsibility
It is the responsibility of all directors, officers, volunteers, and others to comply with and to report violations or suspected violations of TAC’s Code of Ethics, or laws in accordance with this policy.
- No Retaliation
No director, officer, or volunteer or other, who in good faith reports a violation of the Code of Ethics, TAC policies, or law shall suffer harassment, retaliation, or adverse consequence. Anyone who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment or removal from the program. This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable persons to raise serious concerns within TAC prior to seeing resolution outside TAC.
- Reporting Violations
Directors, officers, volunteers, and others should share their questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints with someone who can address them properly. In most cases, volunteers should report their concerns to the club president. Volunteers should report concerns using the grievance policy, by reporting to the board, head coach and/or president whichever is most appropriate.
If a volunteer has raised a concern to the president and still feels that the issue is unresolved, he or she may report the concern to the board. If the concern involves the president, the volunteer should report the concern to the vice president.
- Acting in Good Faith
Any good faith report, concern or complaint is fully protected by this policy to the extent permitted by law, even if the report, question, or concern is, after investigation, not substantiated. Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation of the Code of Ethics, TAC policy, or law. Any allegation that proves not to be substantiated and have been made maliciously or with knowledge that they were false will be treated as a serious disciplinary offense.
- Confidentiality
Upon the request of the complaint, TAC will use its best efforts to protect the confidentiality of the complainant for any good faith report. Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant or may be submitted anonymously. Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
- Handling of Reported Violations
All reports will be promptly investigated per the procedures outlined in the grievance policy.